
Total information protection across Microsoft 365 and beyond.

Your content and data is in the cloud, available to employees and partners from anywhere in the world. But is it too available?

archTIS implementation & consulting services

To classify and secure your content, and ensure compliance with legal standards, takes planning. You need to understand what content you have, where it lives, who can do what with it … and where it goes. Slater Hill has the experience to plan your entire information security strategy and implement quickly.

archTIS for Microsoft 365 & SharePoint

archTIS implemented by Slater Hill works natively with Microsoft products to restrict functionality including elements of the SharePoint user interface, methods for viewing secure files, and encryption or restriction of attachments. The solution dynamically adjusts file security based on real-time comparison of user context and file content to make sure that users view, use and share files according to your business’s regulations and policies.

archTIS for Microsoft Teams

Teams is great for sharing and collaboration—for information security, not so much. The speed and simplicity of creating new Teams presents a challenge for IT teams tasked with ensuring business-critical information is properly protected. archTIS dynamically adjusts access to chats, channels and files shared in Teams based on user and file attributes to control what users can see, and how they can share information and with whom.

30-Day Quickstart
Almost all of our offerings are available as a clearly defined, 30-Day Quickstart. We always provide a free initial scoping session with recommendations.